See copyright notice at the bottom
Is Your Staff Burning out?
By Dr. Beverly Potter
Copyright material - see notice at bottom
Instructions: Using a scale from 1 to 10, with 1 being "not at all descriptive" and 10 being "very descriptive", rate how descriptive each of the following statements is of your staff
_____ 1. Employee turnover is high.
_____ 2. People are just putting in time.
_____ 3. Drug and alcohol problems interfere with performance.
_____ 4. The absenteeism rate is high.
_____ 5. There is a lot of conflict.
_____ 6. Directives are not followed.
_____ 7. There is sabotague.
_____ 8. People cheat and steal.
_____ 9. Deadlines are not met.
_____ 10. There is a high rate of rework.
_____ 11. Back stabbing is comonplace.
_____ 12. Office politics interferes with performance.
_____ 13. Productivity is low.
_____ 14. People are confused about goals.
_____ 15. There is a sense of hopelessness.
_____ 16. there is little espirit de corps.
_____ 17. People are secretive.
_____ 18. People don't socialize much off the job.
_____ 19. Teamwork is poor.
_____ 20. Lay-offs are common.
_____ 21. there is a lot of complaining.
_____ 22. There is not much participation.
_____ 23. People are just out for themselves.
_____ 24. People have little input into management decisions.
_____ 25. Threats seem to be the best motivator.
76 - 145 Caution Level: Your staff is exhibiting a moderate degree of burnout. Preventative action is advised.
146 - 200 Chronic Level: Your staff is exhibiting numerous signs of burnout. Ongoing corrective action is essential.
201 - 250 Crisis Level: Your staff is exhibiting full-blown burnout. Immediate crisis intervention is required to prevent organizational breakdown.
This test can be downloaded for personal
use. Other use
requires written permission from Beverly Potter.,
POBox 3008, Oakland, CA 94609, Fax 510/420-3672.
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