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What Is Your Self-Leadership Quotient (SLQ)?
By Dr. Beverly Potter
Copyright material. See notice at bottom
Read over the following items
and, using a scale from
0 (never) to 5 (always), rate how characteristic
each is of how you approach
activities at work and at play. When you're done, add up your score.
Not characteristic 0 --- 1 --- 2 --- 3 --- 4 ---- 5 Very Characteristic
Setting My Course -- Determining where I aim to go
Getting Centered
___ 1. I check my feelings.
___ 2. I clarify what is important to me.
___ 3. I get in touch with my personal power.
Identifying Purpose
___ 4. I seek problems to solve.
___ 5. I clarify my pupose.
___ 6. I assume resposibility to act.
Deciding on Direction
___ 7. I survey the situation.
___ 8. I brainstorm what is possible.
___ 9. I envision my purpose accomplished.
Setting Goals
___ 10. I match challenges to my ability.
___ 11. I align my personal goals with my purpose.
___ 12. I set specific targets.
Traversing My Course -- Getting from here to my destination
Eastablishing Milestones
___ 13. I survey my resources.
___ 14. I map out action steps.
___ 15. I establish standards of achievement.
Getting Cooperation
___ 16. I create a network of allies.
___ 17. I build team spirit.
___ 18. I share my vision.
Motivating Myself
___ 19. I create meaning in what I do.
___ 20. I measure my progress
___ 21. I reward my progress.
Enjoying the Moment
___ 22. I accentuate the positive.
___ 23. I look for satisfaction in small things.
___ 24. I get absorbed in my activities.
Staying On Course -- Correcting my course & by-passing obstacles
Thinking Flexibly
___ 25. I maintain a "can-do" attitude.
___ 26. I adapt my thinking to the situation.
___ 27. I avoid perfectionism.
Correcting My Course
___ 28. I identify detours.
___ 29. I make contingency plans.
___ 30. I learn from my mistakes.
By-Passing Obstacles
___ 31. I accept the challenge.
___ 32. I view problems as opportunities.
___ 33. I do something differently.
Piloting my Adventure
___ 34. I focus my attention.
___ 35. I develop strategies.
___ 36. I follow my bliss.
144 - 180 Excellent
Your ability to lead
yourself outstanding. By
studying the qualities you can probably
become an even better self-leader
as well as an outstanding leader of others.
109 - 144 Good -- You employ most self-leading skills. With practice you can become an excellent self-leader.
73 - 108 Potential
You have many self-leading
skills, but them employment
inconsistently. With some
skill training and practice you have the potential
to an excellent self-leader.
36 - 72 Needs
-- You have many self-leading skills, but
them infrequently. If you make
the effort to learn and practice the skills
you can greatly improve your self-leading ability.
0 - 35 Deficient
-- You
demonstrate self-leading ability and will find yourself going in
and looking
to others for direction. You probably have the capability to
become a self-leader but you will have to make
acquiring the skills a priority.