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Is Your Staff Burning out?

By Dr. Beverly Potter
Copyright material - see notice at bottom

Instructions: Using a scale from 1 to 10, with 1 being "not at all descriptive" and 10 being "very descriptive", rate how descriptive each of the following statements is of your staff
_____ 1. Employee turnover is high.
_____ 2. People are just putting in time.
_____ 3. Drug and alcohol problems interfere with performance.
_____ 4. The absenteeism rate is high.
_____ 5. There is a lot of conflict.
_____ 6. Directives are not followed.
_____ 7. There is sabotague.
_____ 8. People cheat and steal.
_____ 9. Deadlines are not met.
_____ 10. There is a high rate of rework.
_____ 11. Back stabbing is comonplace.
_____ 12. Office politics interferes with performance.
_____ 13. Productivity is low.
_____ 14. People are confused about goals.
_____ 15. There is a sense of hopelessness.
_____ 16. there is little espirit de corps.
_____ 17. People are secretive.
_____ 18. People don't socialize much off the job.
_____ 19. Teamwork is poor.
_____ 20. Lay-offs are common.
_____ 21. there is a lot of complaining.
_____ 22. There is not much participation.
_____ 23. People are just out for themselves.
_____ 24. People have little input into management decisions.
_____ 25. Threats seem to be the best motivator.


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