to Lead Yourself to Bliss
Dr. Beverly Potter
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What is ?
A phenomenon called the "flow state" is experienced when you are so involved in what you are doing that you forget yourself in the activity and it flows almost effortlessly.You've probably experienced flow when dancing, for example, where you and the music are one and your movements seem to be almost spontaneous. Flow—or bliss—is a refueling experience where you feel good and are filled with stamina while performing at your peak.
While it may surprise you at first thought, research has revealed that bliss is experienced more often at work than at leisure. Further, there are actions you can take to increase your moments of bliss at work. How you tackle your daily activities determines whether you'll have many moments of bliss—or burnout.
Find a Path to Your
To increase bliss you must be a pathfinder to find a path with a heart in your work. There are three pathfinding challenges. First is setting your course where you decide where you aim to go and what you seek to achieve. Next is staying the course where you develop a method for assessing progress in order to course correct and by-pass obstacles. Last is traversing the course where you pilot your pathfinding adventure from here to achieving your purpose—your destiny—while following a path with a heart—a path of many blissful moments.Following are pathfinding challenges and the steps for leading yourself through each challenge. This is a map for having a bliss-filled journey as you travel from where you are to where you want to go.
Challenge I: Setting Your Course
Setting the course is the initial challenge of personal leadership. Finding a path with a heart involves matching what is really important to you with what must be achieved to define your mission and to develop a vision of what you want to accomplish and where you want to go.
Goals: Having a specific target to shoot for focuses your
When you know what you’re aiming for, and achieve it, your confidence
Accomplishing goals that match your skills and stretch your
promotes bliss.
Think Flexibly: Finding a path with a heart involves different kinds of activities. Sometimes you must brainstorm possibilities, at other times you need to evaluate progress. Getting others’ cooperation takes a supportive approach, whereas clarifying your values taps your intuition. Optimizing calls on different mindsets for each activity.
Obstacles: Encountering obstacles is inevitable. Successful
pathfinders transform obstacles in their path into opportunities, by
assumptions and changing what they do in order to by-pass the roadblock.
Motivate Yourself: It is easy to lose momentum. Pathfinders keep motivation high by creating meaningfulness and building enthusiasm for accomplishing their mission. They reward themselves for progress.
Enjoy the Moment: Having many moments of bliss assumes that you have the capacity to become so immersed in what you are doing that you lose yourself and feel at “one” with the activity at hand.