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at the end

Worrywarts v. Smart Worriers

by Dr. Beverly Potter
Copyright material. See notice at the bottom

Smart Worriers
Think about the worrisome concern
over and over
Worry the concern through,
then set it aside
Scare themselves
by dwelling on risks
and imagining the worst
Soothe themselves
by challenging the worry
and imagining positive possibilities
Judge and criticize
Give themselves permission
to be less than perfect
Stay awake all night
worrying themselves sick
Distract themselves from the worry
to sleep peacefully
and wake up refreshed
Get trapped in a vicious cycle
of worry and anxiety
as life passes them by
Breathe deeply to relax
and smell the flowers

Copyright 1997: Beverly A. Potter.CopyrightCopyright 1996 Beverly A. Potter, from The Worrywart's Companion: Twenty One Ways to Soothe Yourself and Worry Smart.

This Table may be downloaded for personal use, any other use requires written permisison from Docpotter.
From: The Worrywart's Companion: 21 Ways to Soothe Yourself and Worry Smart

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