Ask Docpotter
I'm always exhausted!
I was working a very high stress job, and began to feel very tired and run down.I was moved to a less stressful posistion,I started feeling extreme fatigue, my body aces all over, my joints knees the most. The doctor gave me trazadon to sleep and this does work, but i still feel extremely fatigued. I feel like i could colapse at any time sometimes i sweat for no reason ever in ac, and cant take to much more, i think i have burnout and this has been going on for 8 months please need help,!!! The serious fatigue came on like a frieght train once i was starting to relax on the new job.
CAN YOU HELP!!!!!!!.
Docpotter's Reply:
From your brief description it is difficult to get a clue as to what is going on with you. I suggest that the first step is a complete physical exam. You sound like you have some kind of serious systemic problem. It could be nutritional, chemical - who can tell?
I also suggest that you be very careful with prescription drugs - this is the slippery slope. As a short-term intervention during a crisis, yes. But, too many people get "hooked" drugs to sleep and drugs to wake up, etc becomes a lifestyle - and they are not healthy!!!!
After you rule out physical problems, then you must determine what is causing your distress. You do this scientifically. Get a notebook. Each time you experience the distress, rate it from 1 - 10 in severity. Write this plus a description AND what happened just prior to the distress - what do you think triggered it. Write this down diligently. After doing this for several days for a few weeks, then read your data notes, looking for patterns. This will point to causes. Then you can make a plan for correction.
How to do this self-observation is described in my books, Overcoming Job Burnout and Preventing Job Burnout. You might take the test, "Am I Burning Out?" which can help you to think about lyour symptoms more specifically.