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I am constantly late and I might lose my job because of it.
I hate the patients I am here to serve.
I am exhausted all the time.
I can't concentrate anymore. Am I getting senile?
Am I mentally lazy?
How can I show appreciation for employees?
Is pastoring a high burnout profession?
My Dad is sick and will die. How can I stand it?
I worry constantly about the future. What can I do?
My work habits are pretty bad and I am blowing my job.
I am frozen in indecision
I've become an awful person!
All I can do is cook and I'm sick of it!
What can I do with my special ed degree?
I can't stand my clients. I feel trapped?
Yee gads! Will I test positive on the drug test?
My new job has gone sour
My Mom makes me late and it gets me into trouble!
My co-worker is obnoxious
I'm a stressed out Ad Man.
My co-worker is a brat!
I got a positive drug test - but I didn't smoke pot?
I work for a nonprofit and they are taking advantage of me.
My friend's husband has withdrawn emotional from her and their kids and won't admit there's a problem.
I am a young boy who worries too much. How can I stop it?
I use to be a go getter, now I don't feel like doing anything
I am a 23 year old mother of two and I have the chance to start college.
I am 55 years old and have been doing accounting for about 28 years and I am just tired of that type of work.
My office has become a cat house. What can I do?
I want to quit my job. How do it do it gracefully?
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