Hi! I'm Dr. Beverly Potter.
My online avatar is docpotter.
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Beverly Potter

What I Do
I provide specialized professional instruction in the form of workshops, lectures, keynote speeches . I am a psychologist specializing in career and workplace issues, like overcoming job burnout, self management and self-leadership, mediating disputes, giving directives as examples. Many of these "works' have been transformed into my books.

My Approach
My work blends humanistic psychology and Eastern philosophies with principles of behavior psychology for the objective of creating a strategy for handling the many challenges we're encountering in today's workplace.

My Education
My masters of science is in vocational rehabilitation counseling from San Francisco State. My doctorate is in counseling psychology from Stanford University. After leaving Stanford, I translated my counseling "technology" into workplace applications.

I consider myself to be functioning as the college professor - only the world is my classroom. I teach - tho my students are rarely in the classroom but in the workplace. I develop models and theories, but they have a practical application rather than being academic. I depend upon grants to support my writings - only I provide my own grants from investments I created for that purpose. And yes, I too, face the terrors of "publish or perish".

Hands On
I was a member of the staff development team at Stanford University for nearly twenty years. I offered workshops through DeAnza College Short courses and UC Berkeley Extension for nearly a decade. Intermittently, I lead workshops through San Francisco State Downtown Program, West Valley College, Foothill College, Diablo College, and others. The people attending my formal classes were working professionals, predominently in the electronics industry since I started off in Palo Alto. It was during this time that I developed the material in my books. 

I also developed specialized training for corporations including Hewlett Packard, Cisco Systems, Genentech, Sun Microsystems, Tap Plastics, GTE Strategic Systems, TRW-CI; governmental agencies including Department of Energy, IRS Revenue Officers, State of California Disability Evaluation; and associations such as State Bar of California. I was faculty for eight years in the Goldman School of Public Policy, University of California, Berkeley Executive Seminars for City Managers.

I am best known for my work on job burnout.

Who is Dr. Beverly Potter? | Lectures & Workshops | Overcoming Job Burnout | Books by Beverly Potter