Illustrated by - Phil Frank - a popular syndicated cartoonist from the San Francisco Chronicle.

104 pp - illus 
- exercises 

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Companion book: Overcoming Job Burnout


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Preventing Job Burnout, 2ed
A 50 Minute Workbook

Dr. Beverly Potter
Illustrated by Phil Frank

Without work, all life goes rotten, but when
work is soulless, life stifles and dies.
-Albert Camus

Preventing Job Burnout is a practical hands-on workbook in the highly successful Crisp Publication 50-Minute (TM) series. It is filled with worksheets and exercises.

Preventing Job Burnout describes eight proven strategies for overcoming job burnout. 

Preventing Job Burnout makes an excellent text for corporate training and self-help workshops. The material lends itself to classroom presentations.

Work As Hell

In Greek mythology, Sisyphus, an evil king, was condemned to Hades to forever roll a big rock p a mountain, and then the rock always rolled back down again.

This version of Hell is suffered every day by people with forever full in-baskets, or who work under unrelenting pressure, or who work with clients who don't get better.

Workshop: Overcoming Job Burnout

Audio interview with Docpotter


Burnout Potential Inventory

Am I Burning Out?

Is Your Staff Burning Out?

Articles About Docpotter's book:

Preventing Job Burnout Book Review

Burnout Appears to Be Escalating


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